How Do You Properly Flash a Brick Chimney?

How Do You Properly Flash a Brick Chimney?

Many issues on your residential roof stem from leaks occurring around your chimney, and the culprit is often the chimney flashing. This is an overview of the process of properly flashing a brick chimney as part of an effective roof system. This article is primarily...
Using Thermal Imaging to Detect Roof Leaks

Using Thermal Imaging to Detect Roof Leaks

Numerous times I have been on a roof chasing down a leak and have no idea where to start. An honest  roofing contractor will admit that some leaks have been extremely difficult to locate, requiring multiple trips to determine the source. In this blog post I will...
How Do I Choose the Right Roofing Contractor?

How Do I Choose the Right Roofing Contractor?

You notice that your roof is not in the best shape. Maybe you spot some missing shingles, or you have a leak causing  water spots on your ceiling. What do you do? Google “roofing” right? Sure, you can do that, but how do you know which roofing contractor is right for...
What Should I Know About my Shingle Warranty?

What Should I Know About my Shingle Warranty?

Replacing your roof is a large investment. Knowing what your warranty covers and does not cover is vital. All manufacturers provide a material warranty against defects in their products, but the length of the warranty and terms will vary from manufacturer to...